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Use of photographs agreement.

The photographs supplied have been provided with the understanding that copyright of the original images remain the property of Karlton Chambers (Hotshots Multimedia).

Any use of the images is granted only after the agreed sum for their use has been paid in full and their use complies with the agreement set out below.


The Agreement

This agreement is between Karlton Chambers (Hotshots Multimedia) and the client.


Karlton Chambers (photographer), grants permission for the photographs ordered to be used for the sole personal use of the client (purchaser) with the following conditions:


  1. The photographs provided are used for the purpose stated above.

  2. The photographs provided are not to redistributed to any third parties without consent from Karlton Chambers.

  3. The photographs provided are not posted on any social networks or websites where the said photographs can be copied or downloaded without consent from Karlton Chambers.

  4. The photographs are not to be printed, reproduced or published in any other media or form without prior notice, approval and full credit to the photographer on or in the same media.


Any breach of the above conditions could result in legal action or financial compensation.


Changes to any of the above conditions can be negotiated before proceeding.


 A receipt for the agreed photographs will be sent to the supplied address along with a copy of this agreement.


Payment can be made electronically by bank transfer to

                   Name: Karlton Chambers.

                    Bank: Santander

Account number: 07401227

            Sort Code: 09-01-28


Thank you for your cooperation.

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